Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

Guidelines and Policies

Please download the Template, provided below, in order to prepare your manuscript to Polímeros.



Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia edited by the Brazilian Polymer Association - ABPol aims to disseminate worldwide the scientific knowledge developed in the polymer science and technology field.



The submission of a paper implies that it has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the written permission of the Editors. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia if and when the article is accepted for publication. Accepted articles and illustrations become the property of Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The CC BY license allows anyone to: copy, distribute, and transmit the work; adapt the work; and make commercial use of the work, as long as the user gives appropriate credit to the author or licensor in the manner specified by them (but not in a way that suggests endorsement by the author or licensor of the user or their use of the work).


Types of articles:

Polímeros publishes Review Articles, Original Articles and Short Communications in the polymer area:

Review Articles: These manuscripts should deals and discuss deeply and critically the available and up-dated scientific knowledge in a particular subject. Should be submitted only by senior researchers/professionals who have done research and published articles (in indexed journals of international acceptance) on the presented subject. These publications have to be included in the references list. Articles which are only a bibliographic review, not containing a critical analysis of the author(s), will not be accepted.

Original Articles: These manuscripts refer to original works with unpublished results, showing real progress and significant contribution to the field of polymers.

Short Communication: These manuscripts are compact works dealing with recent developments, which results the authors consider should be focusing directly on results/original proposals. Because of their nature, these communications will go through a “fast track” review and publication process.

The Journal accepts articles that have been previously posted as pre-prints, provided they include the following statement: "Part of this paper was published as a pre-print at <link>."



The manuscript must be written in English, with careful attention to objectivity, clarity, and conciseness. The cover letter should include a brief introduction to the article and its relevance in the field of Polymers. Authors are required to have their manuscripts reviewed by a native English speaker or professionals with a strong command of technical language. This language review should be formally confirmed in the cover letter, which must include a statement that spelling and text structure have been thoroughly checked. Please refer to the provided  Template Cover Letter for formatting guidelines.


Length of manuscripts:

All manuscripts (which include text, figures, tables, photos, etc.) have a limited number of pages according to its type: Review Articles are limited to a maximum of 30 pages; Original Articles must not exceed 20 pages, while Short Communications must not exceed 8 pages. Note that these page limitations where set formatting the manuscript according to: A4 format page, with 25 double-spaced lines, typed in font "Times New Roman" size 12.


Text, equations, figures and tables:

Please refer to Template Manuscript for further information in how to present and format your contribution.

The submission files must be uploaded in DOCX format.
Follow the specifications of type and size font:
Type of article: Times New Roman size 09 - Right-align text.
Title: Georgia size 18 – Single spaced - Centralize text - It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized – It should not be in capital letters.
Author's name: Times New Roman size 14 - Centralize text.
ORCID ID*: Times New Roman size 14 - Centralize Text. (https://orcid.org/signin)
Affiliation: Times New Roman size 12 - in italic - Single spaced - Centralize text. 
Corresponding author’s email: Times New Roman size 10 - Centralize text.
Abstract: Times New Roman size 12 - Single spaced. Justified text.
Keywords: Times New Roman size 12.
Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments: Times New Roman size 12 - with 25 double-spaced lines. Justified text.
Author's Contribution**: Times New Roman size 12. Single spaced - Left-align text. All items must be described in the manuscript, if any item does not apply, fill in with NA (not applicable).
References: They should be formatted according the APA style: Times New Roman size 12 - Single spaced - Left-align text - The author’s last name must not be in block capital letters.  


*The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify authors and contributors of scholarly communication as well as ORCID's website and services to look up authors and their bibliographic output (and other user-supplied pieces of information). More information: (https://orcid.org/)

**CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a high-level taxonomy, including 14 roles, that can be used to represent roles typically played by contributors to scientific scholarly output. The roles describe each contributor's specific contribution to the scholarly output. Follow the stipulated specifications. More information: (https://credit.niso.org/)



Please refer to the Template Manuscript and follow carefully the way the references should be presented. Refer to the examples provided. Please avoid refer to texts with are not easily found, with only local dissemination, written in languages other than English. Theses and dissertations which comply with these cases should be avoided. Monographs and similar texts must NOT be used as references. The references are the APA style.


Online submission and evaluation:

All manuscripts submitted for publication will be evaluated by the Editorial Board of the Journal with the help of ad hoc reviewers who are experts in the technical subject of the manuscript. The Journal will ask you to provide the names and contact information for three potential reviewers. They must not include anyone with whom you are interacting professionally, are from the same institution as you or your coauthors, or have recently (less than 2 years) been a coauthor with you or the coauthors of the manuscript being submitted. Manuscripts must strictly follow the guidelines for publication; otherwise they will be returned to the authors. Decisions concerning the appropriateness of manuscripts for publication will be based on their technical quality and importance to advancing the field as assessed by the reviewers and the handling editor. The submission should be made electronically within the submission system available at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/po-scielo. The corresponding author must provide his(her) ORCID IDWe also encourage all co-authors who have an ORCID ID to include it. Any communication between the editorial board and the authors will take place through this registered e-mail. The online submission and evaluation steps are free of charge.


Revised version

It is compulsory, when submitting the revised version, to add a letter “Response to Reviewers” in which the AdHoc reviewers' comments and questions are individually and thoroughly addressed. In it the authors must inform the number of the page/paragraph in which changes/additions/removal have been made. In case authors do not agree with any comments and/or requests of the reviewers, they may rebuttal explaining and justifying their understanding of the matter in the letter. Any change done in the revised version must be highlighted with a color other than black.


Final decision

The Editorial Board of Polímeros is responsible of accepting/rejecting any manuscript submitted to this journal. Their decision is final, and NO appeal can be enforced.



The Editorial Board of Polímeros has decided to apply an “article-charge” to all accepted articles in order to have it published. When submitting a manuscript, the submitting author will be asked to confirm his knowledge and acceptance for this cost. The value is fixed per article, independent of its length and is R$800,00 (in Brazilian reais) or U$230,00 (in American dollars). Foreign authors: the payment method is only by credit card through the PayPal system.

From end of 2021 the Editorial Board has decided not to charge Review Articles accepted for publication in Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia. Also, every active associate of ABPol, who is the corresponding author of an approved article, will be entitled to a 10% discount in the article-charge.

Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia

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